AF031 Galgeberg – "Cerberus"

In conspiracy with Aftermath Music Norway, we present Galgeberg's debut ep "Cerberus".
It's a brutal breed of punk and metal. Hard enough to be used as an impact crusher. Like a buzzsaw it will cut through your skull. The lyrics are critical and pissed off views on religion, politics and humanity in general. Just what you need in a world that's gone completely bonkers.
Outside of North America? Order from Aftermath Music Norway
AF030 Iron Bra – "Space Bitch" 10"

Like an epic poem informed by oral tradition, doom, psych, and good old rock and roll are passed down and molded by Norwegian power trio Iron Bra into their own unique tale. Propulsive rhythms buttress vocal and instrumental melodies that build, soar, intertwine, separate, and fall into a hypnotically dense riff maze of Daedalean intricacy.
Iron Bra is a three piece doom metal band residing in Oslo, NO.
AF028 Ancient Torture – "Ancient Torture"

Out now on traditional black / transparent blue vinyl.
Debut lp from Pittsburgh's ANCIENT TORTURE. 8 tracks of blistering sludge-laden doom/punk. Visceral wails and chainsaw riffs create a bleak, encroaching claustrophobia that forces listeners to confront the potential of joy found in isolation.
AF029 Riparian – "Age of Splendor"

Frenetic, angular riffing and propulsive barbarous blasts fuel the latest release from this veteran Pittsburgh metal outfit. Equally adept at the cudgel and the dagger, Riparian moves in the shadows between death, sludge, and the spaces in-between, striking with a technical precision that’s both crushing and swift.
AF026 Naturvidrig – "Naturvidrig"

The full-length debut album by NATURVIDRIG has been in the making for several years, endeavoring to fuse the writing styles of THOMSEN and ATARAKTIKA first heard on an EP of ages past. Joined by VRETHAGER and PETRUS, the resulting output ranges over an eclectic spectrum of approaches to the black metal tradition.
AF027 Vicious Blade – Siege of Cruelty ep

Vinyl Now Available!
Vicious Blade returns with an ep featuring five tracks of relentless, blackened thrash metal in the realm of Sacrilege, Discharge, Venom and Nasty Savage. No filler on this recording, just an assault that fuses Thrash, D-Beat and Punk with blazing aggression that will want to make you rip your face off.
AF025 Vicious Blade – Vicious Blade ep

A necessary reissue of the self-titled demo from Steel City crossover rippers Vicious Blade whose initial band-released run sold out. Five tracks of blackened old school death-thrash from Pittsburgh, now introduced to the world.
AF024 Ages of Blood – Pagan Medieval Aristocracy

Darkly entrancing and unpredictable yet calling deeply upon the blood, Pagan Medieval Aristocracy, the debut EP from Argentinian black metal mage Ages of Blood, shines like a weapon magical and unbreakable.
AF023 Ixaxaar Nexia – Demo MMXX

Presented for the first time on pro-tape, Ixaxaar Nexia’s Demo MMXX represents the most forward-thrusting, hyperviolent and unexpected debut of 2020.
The Toronto-based quantum death quartet shred genre distinctions, ear drums and listener expectations within the opening moments of their three-track deadly, alien artifact of a demo.
AF022 Mortuaire – Demo 2020

Like plague rats routed from the catacombs by a rising tide of human filth, true evil has returned to France.
Hail Mortuaire, three teenagers spawned and reared in the land of unholy black magic supreme.
AF021 The Incursion – Pandemonium

Now deeply-ingrained in the hostile American underground, the California black/death psychoterrorist cell The Incursion strike again with their deadliest and most elaborate attack yet.
Those who seek the aural and mental abuse similar to that dealt by bands such as Nuclearhammer, Konflict, Tetragrammacide should ask themselves why they’re still reading. Support the war against all.
AF020 Evil Army – Unclean Spirit 7"

After 4 years of missing in action, Evil Army return to continue the mission of exterminating all the dayglo ‘party thrash’ posers!
The true force of old school thrashing destruction returns with Unclean Spirit, a new 7” of pure underground American metal supremacy.
AF019 The Incursion – 2019 Demo

Heavy ordnance deployed with the utmost prejudice in three brief but completely devastating torrents. Bone-shattering blasts accompanied by full metal riffs and pig-slaughter vocals. Fomenting yet nihilistic, grinding and blackened, The Incursion’s debut marks the rise of a most hostile fucking entity.
AF018 Hulder – De Oproeping Van Middeleeuwse Duisternis

Our Ancient Future compiles both Hulder recordings onto one cassette tape, De Oproeping Van Middeleeuwse Duisternis. As Hulder shows zero indication of relenting, this compilation will prove mandatory in the coming years for those who worship the likes of early Satyricon, Mayhem, Black Cilice, and anything that impales the psyche with raw malice.
Our Ancient Future

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