AF030: IRON BRA: "Space Bitch" 10" ep
AF030: IRON BRA: "Space Bitch" 10" ep

Like an epic poem informed by oral tradition, doom, psych, and good old rock and roll are passed down and molded by Norwegian power trio Iron Bra into their own unique tale. Propulsive rhythms buttress vocal and instrumental melodies that build, soar, intertwine, separate, and fall into a hypnotically dense riff maze of Daedalean intricacy.
Iron Bra is a three piece doom metal band residing in Oslo, NO.
Listen to the A-track for Space Bitch on Soundcloud but if you want to be a B-side you need to get your hand of a real vinyl!
Only 100 copies available in North America.
10" Vinyl, 45 RPM. Very Loud.
Artwork by Trine Grimm.